4 Ways to Stick to Your New Year's Fitness Resolutions

It's time to reflect on the past twelve months and set resolutions for the year ahead. If you want to get in shape, this blog post is for you. Read on four tips to stick to your fitness goals.

Set achievable goals: One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to get in shape is setting unrealistic goals. If you're inactive, don't set a goal to run a marathon by springtime. Not only is this goal unlikely to be achieved, but it's also likely to leave you feeling discouraged. Set smaller, achievable goals instead. For example, try to commit to walking for 30 minutes daily or going to the gym thrice weekly. As you start meeting your goals, you can gradually increase the intensity and frequency of your workouts.


Find a workout buddy: Having someone to work out with can make all the difference when it comes to staying motivated. Find a friend or family member who shares your fitness goals and make a plan to work out together regularly. Not only will you be more likely to stick to your workout routine, but you'll also have more fun in the process!

Invest in some new gear: There's nothing like some new workout clothes or shoes to get you excited about working out. Treat yourself to a new gym bag or pair of sneakers and hit the ground running (literally)! You'll be amazed at how much better you feel when you have the right gear to support your fitness journey.


Make a plan: If you don't have a concrete plan, it's easy for your intentions to fall by the wayside. Make a point of planning your workouts for the week ahead and prepping some healthy meals, so you always have something nutritious on hand. Making exercise and healthy eating part of your weekly routine will become second nature. 

Wrap Up

If one of your New Year's resolutions is to get in shape, then use these tips to help you stick with it! Set achievable goals, find a workout buddy, invest in some new gear, and make a plan. With a little effort and perseverance, you'll be well toward meeting your fitness goals in no time.